Welcome to Amber Class
Amber Class Staff
Mrs Jones on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Goodridge on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.
Mrs Dodd and Mrs Aldred (Teaching Assistants)
Parents: If you have any questions about school please catch me at the end of the day, leave a message with the member of staff on the gate or email rjones@milford.derbyshire.sch.uk or lgoodridge@milford.derbyshire.sch.uk.
Important information:
Reading - Please encourage your child to read daily and can I ask that you record their efforts in their reading diary. We will endeavour to change books weekly so please remind your child to bring their book into school each morning.
PE will be on a Monday and a Friday - children should come to school wearing their PE kit.
Spellings will be in their reading record book at the beginning of each term ready for an informal test each Friday.
Homework- Maths and Phonics - weekly.
Phonics Homework will be given each Friday.
Water Bottles - please ensure your child has a water bottle in school every day.
Many thanks as ever for your continuing support.
Snow Day Activities