We will always work our hardest to ensure that Milford Primary School stays open throughout the winter. However, unfortunately there may be occasions where we are unable to open. We will always ensure that we make a decision as early as possible as to whether or not we can open.
If we are unable to open or feel we need to close during the day we will update the school website with information on the home page. Check this first. This is the easiest and most efficient way to let you know what is happening. https://www.milfordprimaryschool.co.uk/
Secondly, we will send out email and text messages to parents/carers via ParentHub.
After that, we will inform the Local Authority and local media. However, these final options depend on us having access to specific computers and we will not be able to do them if we are stuck in traffic ourselves.
You may be asked to provide your child(ren) with a packed lunch on a day when school is open in snowy conditions. If this is the case, it will be communicated to parents/ carers using ParentHub.
School work:
Suggested snow work- for use in event of closure or for children who can't make it into school- can be found on the class pages if parents/ carers are able to complete this with their child(ren).
If school is open but you can not bring your child into school due to difficulties with transport, please email the office: enquiries@milford.derbyshire.sch.uk or leave a message on the school answerphone.
There is no need to contact school in the event of closure.