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Milford Primary School

Milford Primary School

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Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

At Milford Primary School, we promote a passion for learning in all our pupils. We believe our pupils are entitled to an exciting, rich curriculum that provides them with the skills and knowledge needed for life beyond primary school. We are committed to creating a stimulating learning environment which gives the children the best start to their education. Our curriculum is designed to ensure equal access to learning with high expectations for all pupils through the provision of appropriate support and challenge.


We provide a curriculum that reflects our local area and is relevant to our children. We have local history and geography topics in each class and we make many links with our community throughout the year. To prepare our children for life in a multi-cultural society, we make sure that when plan our topics, we bring an awareness of other cultures and faiths through the books we read and the topics we cover. Our school values and British Values are woven through all our curriculum to ensure the children can understand the real-life relevance of them and apply them to their own lives.


 Our curriculum wheel clearly shows our intent for the curriculum.


Curriculum Organisation



As we have mixed-aged classes, our curriculum runs on a two-year rolling programme, Year A and Year B (with exception of Kinder Class- reception- which runs on a one-year cycle). Each half term, every class will have an overarching theme - this is introduced to the children through a big question. Subjects are taught separately, and each subject has a discrete book to record pupils’ work. However, where meaningful links can be made to the overarching theme, subjects are taught to reflect the big questions.


For each subject, we use progression statements which outline the subject specific skills and knowledge that will be taught. Using these as a basis for our planning ensures that the children’s skills build up over time and progress is clearly made.  These progression statements can be found on our school website.


Knowledge is at the heart of the curriculum but important skills – generic and subject specific- are taught alongside knowledge. For each National Curriculum area, we have produced progression statements which outline the subject specific learning and skills that are taught in each area.  



For more details see our curriculum policies:

We are looking forward to welcoming all our pupils back on Friday 6th September. If you are interested in a place at our school , please call the office on 01332 841316 to arrange a visit.