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Milford Primary School

Milford Primary School

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Good attendance is essential if pupils are to make good progress and gain the appropriate skills, which will equip them for life. Milford School sets itself a target of 97%.


All children are expected to be in school by 8.55am. If a child arrives late, they should report to the office.

A late mark is given for children arriving after 8.55am. If they arrive after the register closes at 9.25am, they will be marked as 'absence after the register closes' and this will affect their attendance percentage. 

The afternoon register opens at 1.00pm and closes at 1.30pm.


Reporting an absence

If your child is not able to attend school you should contact the office on the morning of the absence by phone, by email or in person.  This should be done by 9.45 am. 


If the school does not receive notification of a child’s absence by 9.45 am, a message will be sent via Parent Hub asking the parent/carer to contact school.

If school has not received a response by mid-morning, we will attempt to contact parents/carers by telephone. If school is unable to ascertain the safety of a child, the matter will be referred to the headteacher who will take a variety of actions depending on individual cases.

 Actions could include:


-         contacting a known friend of the family

-         contacting the child’s social worker or Family Support worker

-         ultimately contacting the police


Request for leave (including holiday leave)

What do I do if my child needs time off school?

Schools are not able to grant permission for holidays or time off in term time.

If you feel that there is an EXCEPTIONAL reason (i.e. it wouldn't apply to a large proportion of other families) why your child needs time off school then you need to:

  • Ask the school office for a “Request for Leave Form” or download a copy from the website.
  • Complete this, giving the reason why the request is exceptional, in as much detail as possible.
  • Hand the request form into the office at least 2 weeks before you need time off.
  • You will receive a written reply stating whether the absence will be authorised.
  • If the time is not authorised and you still take your child out of school, then a fixed penalty of £160 per child, per parent will be issued by the Local Authority.   

If we believe that you have taken a holiday in term time but have not disclosed this, a fixed penalty may still be served by the Local Authority.



See our Attendance Policy for more details about how the school promotes good attendance.



Are you lookng for a school place for your child? If you are interested in a place at our school, call the office on 01332 841316 to arrange a visit.