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Milford Primary School

Milford Primary School

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Reading For Pleasure

Reading for Pleasure


At Milford Primary School we believe that reading for pleasure is the entitlement of every child. We work hard to engage and motivate our children to develop a love of lifelong reading. 


Links with the local English Hub

Mrs R Jones, our Early Reading and Phonics Lead is currently completing the 'Transforming your Schools Reading Culture' course with the local English Hub to develop reading across the school. 


Further Information

If you would like further support with developing a love of reading at home then please contact your child's class teacher or follow the link to the Open University website below for ideas.


Reading for Pleasure Around School

Our library area situated in The Zone has been revamped by our wonderful Year 6 children (with the support of Mrs Griffiths). It is now an enjoyable space to read non-fiction texts. Well done everyone!



Reading Areas

Each classroom provides children with a space to read. This is a safe space to read for enjoyment.



Reading Assemblies

Story telling assemblies take place each half term. The children vote for a text chosen by the teaching  staff in school. They then hear their chosen story the following day. The children love this democratic process!

Reading for Pleasure Parent Cafes

Parents/guardians of pupils in EYFS and Key Stage One are invited into school to read a book for pleasure with their children.

Poetry Day

The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed the activities linked to poetry. We were also fortunate enough to take part in virtual workshops with the published poet, Joshua Seigal!

Outdoor Library

Our children now have the opportunity to read for pleasure during break and lunchtimes. They choose from a selection of texts from our fabulous new bookcase.

KS1 Story Time

Each day, the children vote for a text that they would like to hear at the end of the day. 

Parent Communication

Author RfP Tube Maps

Are you lookng for a school place for your child? If you are interested in a place at our school, call the office on 01332 841316 to arrange a visit.