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Milford Primary School

Milford Primary School

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Music at Milford

Music at Milford Primary School


We like to give our pupils a rich diet of musical experience. All children have weekly music lessons using the Churanga music scheme.  We also sing a range of songs in our assemblies.



Private Music Lessons


We offer piano lessons, drumming lessons and guitar lessons for our pupils from year 2 upwards. If your child is interested in learning one of these instruments then please contact the school office for more information.

Drum Lessons take place on a Monday with Dan




Elin Heron is  our Piano Teacher. For further details please contact Elin by email.


Piano Lessons Poster and Information

Guitar lessons take place on Wednesday with Peter Backler

Are you lookng for a school place for your child? If you are interested in a place at our school, call the office on 01332 841316 to arrange a visit.