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Milford Primary School

Milford Primary School

Home Page

Who's Who

Come and meet the staff at our school!

Our Staff

Ms E Roberts                                   Headteacher, Safeguarding & Child Protection, SENDCO

Mrs B Coote                                     Year 5 & 6 Teacher 

Miss P Latham                                  Year 3 & 4 Teacher 

Mrs R Jones/Mrs L Goodridge         Year 1& 2  Teacher

Mrs H Elliff/Mrs N Rhodes                Reception

Mrs D Lawday                                  Business Manager
Mrs H Collins                                    KS2 Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Dodds                                     KS2 Teaching Assistant

Mrs B Shorney                                  KS2 Teaching Assistant

Mrs B Aldred                                     Reception Teaching Assistant

Mr J Stevenson                                Caretaker

Lunchtime Supervisors:

Mrs B Silvanus

Mrs J Jacobi

Mr J Bloor


Sports Coach

Mr Limbert



Are you lookng for a school place for your child? If you are interested in a place at our school, call the office on 01332 841316 to arrange a visit.