We do not keep uniform in stock in school.
Second hand uniform sales are run regularly after school by Milford PTA or if you can contact the PTA directly to request uniform : milfordprimarypta@gmail.com
This option is fantastic for your pocket and the environment.
Or you can order directly from the suppliers, Price and Buckland, on their website www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/milford To use this service, just click on 'register now'.
Milford School Dress Code
PE Kit
Children will wear their P.E kit to school on the day they have P.E
Please mark the all children’s clothes with their name.
Jewellery and Accessories
In the interest of safety and with the exception of small studs for pierced ears, jewellery may not be worn at school. The Local Authority insists that no jewellery be worn during any form of PE lesson as it can be dangerous. However, if your child has pierced ears and cannot remove the studs, these may be worn for PE lessons provided they are taped. Please send a roll of adhesive plaster or micropore tape in a container marked with your child’s name for him or her to use. Earrings may not be worn during swimming lessons.